Leo Clubs
Leo Clubs Belgium - Friendship for a better society!
First of all, Leo’s are friends; young people between 18 and 33 united in Leo Clubs all over Belgium engaging themselves to serve the good cause. This is what keeps them together: Among friends, supporting society through a combination of voluntary work and the provision of funds for the realisation of local social projects.
Each club is responsable for the organisation of different types of activities: Fundraisers, social activities with and for the organisations they support, monthly meetings and teambuilding activities. Therefore, each club has a committee that consists of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and a past-president. Each club has the liberty to determine his/her own identity by a fanion and own household rules, these latter remaining in line at any time with the national regulations of Leo Clubs Belgium.
Every young person that want to engage her- or himself socially among friends can become a Leo club member. Before joining, the candidate-member is requested to follow a trial period of six months up to a year to prove willingness of social engagement and to take the time to feel comfortable within the club. Finally, both parties decide on the start of the membership. At the introduction of the new member, she/he receives a Leo pin representing the leo values and motto.
Leo Clubs Belgium is an affiliate of Lions Clubs Belgium. Both organisations strive the same objective: Serving local and international communities. In Belgum, Leo clubs are present in the four Lions districts: 16 clubs are active in District A (provinces West- en Oost-Vlaanderen), 13 of them in District B (provinces Antwerpen, Limburg, Vlaams-Brabant), no clubs in District C and 4 of them in District D (provinces Luik, Namen, Henegouwen, Luxemburg). Most of the time, each district has also a district committee, which jointly form the national committee. Multiple district 112 Belgium is part of an international network of more than 170,000 leo’s spread over 38 multiple leo districts across 143 countries worldwide, and counts for 2019 more than 500 active members.
The Leo Club Program objective
"To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsivle members of the local, national and international community."
The Leo Club Motto
Leadership - Leos develop skills as organizers, time managers, and motivator of their peers.
Experience - Leos learn the importance of coöperation through the performance of community service.
Opportunity - Membership in a Leo club provides young peoples with a chance to excel, to develop character traits and to receive recognition for their contributions to the community.
Leo Clubs: Alpha or Omega
In 2002, existing Leo Clubs declared themselves as either Alpha of Omega Leo Clubs. Members of Alpha Leo Clubs are between the ages of 12 and the legal age of majority in their country. Omega Leo Club members are between the legal age of majority in their country and an age-deemed appropriate by the multiple district. All other requirements are identical for Alpha and Omega Leo Clubs. All Leo Clubs have been asked to declare their clubs as either Alpha or Omega Leo Clubs. Age-appropriate publications will be mailed to Alpha and Omega Leo Clubs. Alpha Leo Club advisors will accept a more active role in guiding young Leos to plan effective meetings and successful service projects. Omega Leo Clubs advisors will serve mainly as liaisons between the Leo Club and the sponsoring Lions Club. All Leo Clubs in MD 112 are Omega Leo Clubs.